Open Season

It's Coronvirus time and so it's open season not just for some cultural criticism but for some existencilism too. After all, the streets are empty, shops closed, graffiti removal guy temporarily sans emploi. And of course, it's spring...!

So, in the light of all these positives, here are some fresh stencils...

(Exi)Stencillers (and prophets) of the world unite!

Adam & Donald on the Bridge over the River Clyde....

Finely Cut Gems.... if u ask me ;)

Stupid White Man

By 'white' I mean any man that does not live according to Nature's ways, who is not 'of the land' and in it. Which pretty much means everyone apart from those rare indigenous aboriginal peoples sporadically spread across the planet.

By 'stupid' I mean stupefied and mesmerized by the 'apparatus': the military-entertainment-industrial complex, to the point where Nature's wisdom is sidelined if not entirely ignored. This stupidity causes us to be prammed about in pollutants called 'cars', to ignore our bodies in favour of technologies that can carry us, to be reduced to an eco-existential infantile state. 

By 'man' I mean everyone apart from children. I mean 'Man-ipulator', 'Man-nequin', 'Man-gler', 'Man-ager'... There are no women anymore, only men with vaginas.