The dawn of the dead is the beginning of that period where people 'forget' ab origine as in allow their selves to be violated by an inorganic technology and a mechanical view of the cosmos that weakens and eventually kills their response-ability and their connection to the origin. As a species, homo sapiens is the only forgetful one, the only one that does not re-member its Self through a natural aboriginal conviviality and a deep root system. This is because we have been upturned and uprooted from who and what (and how) we actually are, and our own Technology. The individual (as opposed to its true undividedness) has, through the dividing methodologies of science and progress, become split. In so doing, we have been hijacked by a technology that is not Nature acting spontaneously but which is a 'split being' acting unspontaneously. This false technology has now created a dead zone where human beings now mete out their lives. The dead in other words have dawned, and though we may stumble about gazing into our hands giving off the appearance of aliveness, we are, in our post-human posthmuous unresponsive states, as good as dead.