Levitating Above The Valley

Levitation is vital. Levitation is light and lightness. Levitation is unpacking your hitherto closed self and unfurling your wings and flying. To levitate is to flee from your weighted self (that self that has been brought up, educated, named, decorated, clothed, stamped, franked, sculpted, married, leashed and added to) and be released into pure consciousness. Levitation is thus a form of awakening from the who that does not exist but which has been concocted by others to suit their own concocted selves. 

This is why gravity and not levity rules the world.

But there is no gravity. Not really.

Psilo - Cybin

The word psilocybin I just discovered derives  from Greek psilos 'bare, naked; mere' + kybē 'head'.

Thus, psilocybin comes to mean 'bald head' referring to the sleek cap of the liberty 'magic' mushroom.

This made me smile no end for I recently admitted that it's not me who needs the mushroom but the mushroom who needs me...

My head, in other words, is no longer a 'head' but a 'liberty cap'.

Another Empty Train

To be sure, when you inhabit the 'magic hours' like I do you rarely encounter the rush. These hours are from 10am till 3pm when everyone is in their coffin, children and adults alike. This means that trains are empty and roads are quiet. Indeed, trains are so empty that sometimes I revel in having a whole carriage to myself. And these trains are state of the art. Take the new rolling stock on the little backline from Dumbreck to Paisley Canal which I regularly take. It's on a par with the TGV or the trains in Japan, and yet it's empty. This is partly because even the poor now can 'afford' cars and SUVs what with the never never and hire purchase deals. This means public transport is generally disregarded. Which means comfortably quiet and spacious trains. At least up here in Glasgow. Elsewhere, notably India, Japan, England et al. it's quite a different story...


Life is a terminal illness. Do not live and you cannot die. Life is an aberration of the One. Do not live and you cannot be multiplied and split. Once this is taken on board, the idea then becomes to get out of life not by 'dying' but by 'emptying the Self of its self'. Through this kenotic enterprise one gives up life as in 'abandoning the aberration'. One gives up the split and separation that life itself manifests. In giving up this split, one re-unites with the One and aboriginality (as the inverse of aberration). One is alive without occupying life, and without the possibility of 'death'. This is your original condition that has become concealed by  and confused with ideologies that overlay your bodymind system with non-sense. This non-sense takes its form in ideas like 'Life' and 'Death' and 'You'. And it is by subscribing to it - and to an identity that defines you even further - that our life becomes problematic. We worry about things like death and doing, when we should simply be getting on with being alive.


Life-lines are those small train lines that I often take to skip me through the city's otherwise congested environment. Like this, and by effectively using the train as a catapult, I can still live near the centre of the city and yet 'be in the country' by cutting out the city via the train. Bike + train = brain, after all. And with a massive rail network and city bikes freely available all over the city there is simply no excuse for Glaswegians for not going into the hills. Truth is that most of them are still in a state of mesmerism and psychosis induced in early infancy. But the hills can help get rid of that. So, get your bike, find a train, reconnect your brain to your backbone, and get into those blissful hills.

Below are just five 'life-lines' (all separate train lines) that I have taken this past week and which cut out a significant part of 'city', depositing you more often than not at the bottom of the braes. Like this, you can live in the city and live in the country at the same time!

1. Partick to Kilpatrick 

2. Partick to Milngavie

3. Pollokshaws West to Barrhead

4. Maxwell Park to Newton

5. Dumbreck to Paisley Canal



In Barbara Meyerhof's The Peyote Hunt she notes that the Huichol of north-western Mexico gather enough peyote buttons on their annual peyote pilgrimage to last them throughout the year. In other words, the Huichol have a stash which they can then dip into at various significant points in their calendar.

Everyone should have a stash, a dispensary or pantry let's say of 'natural medicine'. This means first and foremost 'food', but specifically food for the soul that can help it to heal and radiate outwards once again. This food may take the form of 'magic mushrooms' which are the peyote equivalent here in northern Europe. Yet, unlike peyote in Mexico, magic mushrooms (liberty caps) are illegal to collect, cultivate, or consume in the UK having been categorised as a Class A drug (alongside crack, heroin, methadone, cocaine, ecstasy, and 'crystal meth'). This means, according to these people who implement policy (who have never even tried these substances), they are considered 'most harmful'. With mushrooms I can safely say that this is complete and utter nonsense. What magic mushrooms are is 'most harmful to the modes of thought that has seen your planet become a wheelie bin'. Mushrooms connect you back into Nature (duh!). One might almost say that the planet itself covered as it is in a topsoil of mycoriza, is a kind of mushroom that sprouts out of the galaxy. The bottom line is that mushrooms are a method of communication - profound communication - between you and your Self. That this has been considered most harmful, under punishment of incarceration, by the people who purport to look out for you (your gvt.) is proof enough that your government has its head up its arse and should not be listened to.