A Special Temple Homily

God may forgive you, but your nervous system will not. 

Alfred Korzybski, Science & Sanity

It occurred to me the other day whilst watching Star Trek and reading some stuff about Quantum Mechanics, that the universe may be some kind of spatio-temporal anomaly issued forth from the 'big bang'. 

The anomaly is space-time itself.

Without the anomaly, there is no space, and there is no time.

Thus one could conclude from this hypothesis that man himself is an anomalous creature, and that what people call God is simply an immense disruption in nothingness.

I cannot say what the alternative to this anomaly would be. Perhaps non-consciousness. Perhaps nothingness, no space, no time, no anything. 

I recall when I had to undergo surgery for a broken wrist being 'put under' and the resulting effect of waking up having not felt the time in between. It wasn't the same as going to sleep. There was something sinister about having your nervous system depressed to the point of virtual death. There was no time to speak of. The being put under and the waking up were instantaneous. It was seriously weird as if I had somehow been put into a cryo-chamber for several years and then awoken.

Perhaps the universe is as our nervous system... 

Perhaps the universe is our nervous system...

And the anomaly some kind of homily....

The homily being as its etymology suggests (from homou "together" - from Proto-Indo-European somo-, from root sem- "one, as one, together with") , a togetherness, a sameness, a oneness, that shines through  one's manufactured consciousness.

Just a thought...

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