Recording the Strath: Returning to the Heart the Valley

The heart one might argue is everything. With it comes body and backbone, and courage, and Lord knows, it takes great courage these days to remain human.

To be sure, I am wary of recording devices which can usurp our own sensory receptivity: one need only look around at the dazzled masses gazing glaekitly into their dumb little smart phones, the regressed monkeys holding their electronic bananas. In spite of me not possessing a smartphone, I have always had a camera. Yet, it is only recently that I have begun using that camera for its video facility (which is rather good considering its a pretty dated camera). As a document of the strath it reveals the valley that Glasgow and its outlying villages and towns lie in. Indeed, it is as much a recording of the light as it is of the strath, and by 'recording' I mean both documenting and, as its etymology suggests from Old French re + couer, returning to the heart again. It is in this way, that I consider my Self as much 'valley being' as I do 'human being'. Though my face and body never appear in front of the camera, I am in fact recording myself, the Self being inextricable from the environment that allowed it to emerge and be. It is to this end that I consider these 5 minute videos autobiographical. They are also purely spontaneous, like Being itself, springing out of the moment, and the momentum that I have gathered.

The perches that I use, also provide a sense of 'pulpit', whereby I can voice my concerns to the world without interruption. It is a healthy and therapeutic act, lecturing the city... and singing the song of the self that sees the land and the elements as much a part of your body as your hands and legs.

Know thyself was the pronouncement of the Oracle of Delphi....

yet in order to do that, we must first know where we are...

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