A Bottle Of Vodka A Day

Every morning, well, let's say every other morning in winter and more or less every morning for the rest of the year, I drink a bottle of vodka (500ml). This isn't any ordinary vodka but perhaps the finest vodka the Earth has to offer (and that's saying something coming from someone who spent three years in Poland, a year in Kazakhstan, and six months in Belarus). This vodka compared to the industrial and even home-brewed kind is 100% natural with no artificial ingredients. It is also distilled through volcanic rock and the Earth herself to give this vodka a purity of punch that no other vodka can match. This Earth vodka, compared to the supermarket kind which gets you 'pissed', will emphatically get you 'unpissed' as in awake. Of course my vodka is, as the name (voda being Polish for water, and the suffix -ka expressing a diminutive) suggests, the 'little water' that tumbles down from the braes and from the heavens. I collect it at various falls, burns and pools, along my routes through the hills - always know your pure watering holes especially in drookit climates - and fill my bottle with it. To be sure, on occasion it has a slightly greenish tint to it as in today but this only means goodness and the fact that it has been distilled multiple times through the ancient bedrock of this fine land. What with this 'elixir', the purity of the air, and the primal space, solitude, and silence, these braes and hills have to offer, you come down from the hills not just Awake (with a capital A) but Alive too. And it's all due to (going and gathering) a bottle of vodka a day, (or every other day in winter).




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