I love the weather in Glasgow because I have evolved with it. Look at the words 'Love' and then 'Evolve'. Evolution begins with 'Love'. It's obvious is it not? If you evolve naturally (is there any other kind?) with your environment then you are 'in love', since it was aboriginal evolution and not some industrial artifice that grew you in line with everything else. This 'being in love' is the state of the wild. By contrast, the state of the domesticated is a state of being out of love (which may explain our obsession with it) and why there's so much trouble in the world. At any rate, when you're in love you begin to notice things, little things that had previously passed you by in your industrialized state, that had because of their familiarity been taken for granted. Like the cabbage palm (cordyline australis), or the cordyline red, or the Spanish dagger (yucca gloriosa), plants that are familiar sights in Glasgow but which appear slightly out of place for their obvious connotations to warm and sunny climes. When you relieve yourself of a closetted life and begin to live outdoors you feel these plants in the flesh and begin to see them with fresh eyes, or indeed for the very first time. We are all plants whether we like to admit or not, living breathing organisms that are rooted deeply the soil. We all follow the great LAW that plants adhere to: Light, Air, Water. So, in a way, by checking these plants out, I am just visiting my long lost relatives and getting to know them again.

Elizabeth Street
Crookston train station
Roman Road
Camphill Avenue
January Palm, Elizabeth Street