Earth's Insights

Nature provides. Part of this provision is vision itself, and insight. When you converse with Nature regularly enough and intimately enough she gifts you with this ability to see. Like when I inadvertently exported some fly larvae from an outdoor park via some bark chippings. The following spring they hatched around the base of my lemon tree where I had placed the bark chippings as mulch. As far as these tiny little flies were concerned this lemon tree was the centre of their world and my living room something of a solar system complete with large spherical sun. In spite of my leaving the window open they would not leave but remained around the place where they had emerged. Many died due to mishaps and my carelessness at 'tiny fly' level. Others died because they had been born into a world that could not sustain them, that they did not evolve with. Still, the remainers would not leave. This was their world after all. For me, the insights were manifold. How being born into a world no matter how defective is still your world. How suffering arises from being born into an artificial world that does not naturally sustain you and how this suffering throws you out of cosmic alignment. And how, even flies as tiny as these little guys, can see you, a large misshapen humanoid, as their mother, because you were the first face and form they saw after being born.

And lastly, how leaving your world (instead of creating the conditions that allow it to repair itself) is simply not an option.

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