Dastardly Without the Mutt

There's a lot to be said for spotting a wild human, for they are now a red-listed endangered species. On my 30km cycle today I saw about a hundred humans on foot and about ninety-five per cent of them had mutts with them. This is because they are afraid to go out on their own, not the mutts but the humans. They don't know how to walk without the stabilisers because they are still embedded within an infantile consciousness egged on by the fact they stopped growing at about the age of one. Your economy grows instead and you are now just a slave for that (uneconomic) economy. And so people (who are no longer people but sub-routines for the great program) need their security blankets and pacifiers. One of the more common dummies is the dog because it's alive, although the smartphone and car are close (inanimate) second and thirds. So, it's rare to spot a wild human without the stabilisers, who can actually walk without aids. Give yourself a clap on the back if you see one. Maybe one day soon, a website will be dedicated to these Dastardlys without Mutts, in the same way that you have websites for rare birds species. 

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