Edible Education: 44 Golden Wonders

This morning as I make my way into the hills, I think to myself that it's still too warm and dry for 'magic mushrooms'. I'm almost not going to look, convinced as I am of my intuition. And yet, no sooner am I at the top of the braes than a sideways glance reveals a golden patch of grass replete with about fifty or so golden wonders....

All you need to open up that third eye.....

The feeling of union I have with nature is immense, even before I imbibe my 'tea' made up of 44 healthy looking liberty caps. The mere act of going into the hills, of locating and gathering these little beauties, is in itself a heightened state of consciousness. Which is further amplified when they are at last ingested. There is no 'altering' of consciousness to speak of, only amplification, only perhaps complete dissolution, the mind dissolving into the All as easily as a sugar cube dissolves in a hot cup of tea. The sugar is still there, except now it's not so solid and definable. The sugar and the tea have conjoined to the point of inextricability. My mind is now the tea with the sugar in it, not simply the sugar cube.

The Czech poet Vaclav Havel once said of education that it was the ability to recognize the connections that exist between phenomena. Liberty caps give you that education, they reveal not so much the connections between phenomena as the great entity that is the phenomenon.

September is fast becoming my favourite month.... !

An arousing of the existential variety, without any specificities...

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