Fight Back

Whether its adverts for banks (HSBC, RBS, et al.) telling us how good they are (when they are in fact convicted fraudsters) or any number of profiteers lying to us bareface because they want us to buy their product or service, we are being psychologically assaulted on a daily basis often without our being aware of it. The corporate in its fake personhood (the corporation is legally a person with all the same rights but with few of the punitive measures for stepping over the mark) usurps the person and distorts it to the point of fakery. The real person (through which the Origin sounds) is thus displaced and replaced by the fake person as the corporation (through which the false resounds). Thus, we have considerate constructors, ethical banking, eco-consumerism, meat-eating priests, car-driving ecologists, caring scientists, responsible bookmakers, amiable rapists, and thoughtful murderers. People are so utterly stupefied by it all (civilization being a form of mesmerism) that they don't even bother anymore. My mesmerism and stupefaction however has been tempered by my pastoral excursions into full blown Nature. Nature has guided my body and my mind to safety and made it ferociously aware of predators, especially those predators that purport to be your friend. These are the worst kinds of predators who prey on the weak and the wounded, the stupefied and the mesmerized, whilst telling them that they're helping. Our society is replete with these predators who contaminate our bodies and infect our minds with their trash and corporate gobbledygook. These stencils are an active weapon in fighting back against these lies hidden in plain sight and re-minding people as in giving them their natural Mind back. Nature is bare Truth, Society is a candy-coated lie. Re-mind yourself of this every day, and soon you'll be fighting back yourself.

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