The Birthday Present

As a 'revert' (someone who has within this inverted society reverted to the right way up) I have neither birthdays nor presents. The birth day is just another ego device, another illusion that purports to celebrate your birth but which actually does the opposite and celebrates the ego. Birth is not a matter of a single day, but a matter of constant continuation. Everything that is alive is birthed and renewed simply through Being. At any rate, my fiftieth birthday (I cringe as I say it) is approaching and so, in the spirit of the Lakota who state that you only become mature when you hit 50, I have commandeered a bridge (a bit like the artist Christo who died the other day, but a little less ostentatious and emphatically without the permission). The pedestrian bridge which crosses the Clyde is five minutes from my flat and with its 15 white pillars holding up its canopy I saw the perfect opportunity to share a little wisdom (that I had gained from my '10 years sitting on top of a hill') with the hoi polloi. God knows they need it. And so, Bell's Bridge is now weemikey's bridge (weemikey the wild that is and not the weemikey the over-domesticated and tranquillized). The Lakota have spurred me on as have all indigenous peoples that still struggle to live in harmony with Nature on this increasingly industrialized planet. And so, this is my present (not to me as the inversion would have it) but to everyone (who cares to raise their head from the trough). This is my birthday present where birth is every moment and the day is eternity. It is the opposite of Christo's work where he covers and decorates structures in all manner of swaddling invariably prettifying them. My work reveals what lies beneath, it does not cover over. My images and text reveal a truth that only Nature can present. It is a brutal truth by and large but that's the way it has to be. The birthday as man has fabricated it is nothing more than a Christo like venture insofar as it decorates a corpse and conceals the truth. The real birthday however is an uncovering and a revealing, an opening up and a de-concealing. So that truth may enter as naturally as light.

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