The Existencillist

The existencillist reveals the ugliness of society through his careful application of paint to the medium of wall or in this case pillars. The existencillist does not make any bones about this, in fact this is his raison d'etre: to reveal the truth that lies beneath the wall-papered surface of 'society'. In stencilling this bridge, the E. wants to show people how ugly their society actually is. The last thing the E. wants is to paint over this ugliness and prettify it. This is why the E. has chosen to stencil words (as well as images) on walls (and pillars): because words get to the truth a lot quicker than some unintelligible wash of paint. These words are like pure spirit, having been triple distilled in the barrels of the brain and body beforehand, sometimes for years. The E. does not write these words frivolously, but with a deadly seriousness. The E. does not sign his name because he knows that the decline of Art begins with a signature. The E. knows that the real signature is the sign of Nature which is the ongoing oeuvre. The E. moreover does not wear a mask or compose his stencils undercover of darkness, but paints his words and images in broad daylight in full view of everyone. The E. is not afraid of anything because he knows. This unafraidness manifests itself as 'spirit', and the resulting artwork. No-one can stop the person who knows the truth, not even an army, for the person who has reached the truth and who has (con)figured their own personhood aboriginally and truthfully is all things, even those who attempt to silence him cannot succeed.

The E. is fed up with street art (at least here in Glasgow) not taking the world seriously enough and attempting to escape from it. You cannot defeat the monster by running away from it, especially that monster with the nose of a bloodhound and a taste for flesh. The E. confronts the monster (both inside and out) and destroys it just as David destroyed Goliath, transforming it into a convivial and 'empty' entity whose ego is not monstrous but of a 'correct size'.  The E. knows that it's no use running away, for even in the next life, the monster will still be there trying to devour you. 

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