Cleaning Your Bowl: The Enlightened Bike

Cleaning your bike is one of those things that ought to be performed just regularly enough to keep you cycling. It should not be performed after every trip like my brother tells me. This is the problem with having an expensive bike (like my brother has) as opposed to an inexpensive one like my own. These days, people actually spend thousands on bikes when you can pick up a great one for less than a few hundred quid. And so, they treat their bikes like lambos: all surface, all glitter, all 'look at me'! This, however, defeats the whole and healthy purpose of wild cycling. The wild cyclist rarely cleans his bowl because it doesn't need cleaning. Like cleaning your frying pan it should only be done when said frying pan starts spontaneously combusting because of clog and only then should you clean it sparingly. A wild cyclist's bike is not supposed to be clean. It's supposed to be wild. And that invariably means a bit of mud if not a bit of the land itself upon the bike.

All bicycles are born enlightened and remain so even though they may look or behave unenlightenedly.

If you don't believe me, just scrape off that filthy veneer that has attached itself to you. Whether ideology or actual dirt you have been concealed beneath a surface. As such you are an apparition of your Self.

And so it only remains for you to clean your bowl and originate yourself.

An hour later, with just a bucket of soapy water and a sponge...

The Enlightened Bike...!

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