Solitude as the Best Company You'll Ever Have

Sure, I've been around. I've lived and worked in twelve countries, speak five languages, and taught (and been taught by) thousands of students of all ages and backgrounds all over the world. I've had some wonderful friends in my time, great stravaiging buddies that have  at times accompanied me on my excursions hither and thither. But I have had no buddy as fine as my own good self. And this is because like making friends you have to make allowances for yourself. But you also have to discipline that self. And it's this discipline that makes of yourself a disciple of the great Self. This is is how you get to like yourself as a friend and a confidant(e), and someone you can 'talk to' (because they are always listening) at any time of day and night, no matter where you are. I've always been friends with myself because largely I have always done what it told me to. I have always stood up for the great Self knowing that the small ego-bound self is nothing without it. Indeed, even with it, the small ego-bound self is nothing. And so, making friends with yourself is making friends with solitude just as it is understanding who you actually are, outwith the collars and leashes and job titles, and all the enslaving-enfeebling devices that re-move you from your Self. But it means getting rid of the extraneous, getting rid of the tracking devices (that are hunting you), getting rid of the machines that carry and defile you, getting rid of the dolls, dummies and pacifiers, and getting rid of people (who are no longer human but 'infections', and algorithms of the great machine that modern life has become). Once rid of this paraphernalia, identity begins to shine through your nakedness and aboriginality. And it's this original identity (that you yourself have originated and renewed through Nature) that reveals solitude to be the best company you'll ever have.

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