David Byrne (born in Dumbarton) once said that you should wear the same clothes day after day so that people will recognize you. Perish the thought that the wild cyclist should be recognized, yet he does subscribe to that thought if only because he is a frugal creature and cannot be bothered decorating his nakedness. The uni-form (as the same clothes every day) thus becomes a necessity for the wild cyclist as the one form that he inhabits. Sure, there are other forms that lurk underneath this manifestation but this is the one form and thus requires a single uniform. This is the perfect get-up: nakedness, your original uni-form that binds you together with all other uni-forms so that the One form becomes recognizable. I think this is what David Byrne meant to say.
Irony is the operating system of the universally aligned mind. And so it comes as no surprise to learn that by off-peak I mean on-peak and ascending into that elevated region (do you remember the Sanskrit word?) where opposites do not oppose but collide. Off-peak is your original condition. All the animals (except perhaps those under the control of men) are off-peak creatures. And in being off-peak one peaks Being itself by ascending it.
Ben Mikey
Today, Duncolm, in the middle of the Kilpatrick plateau on Dumbarton moor. As I walk and cycle and trudge, I see other hills and mountain peaks: Dumgoyne, Ben Lomond, Slackdhu. And then I come upon the idyllic Lily Loch, and see the biggest mountain of them all as I kneel down to take some water, and catch a glimpse of my bald noggin in the ever so still water.
Cleaning Your Rug
No, I don't mean washing your hair, but actually cleaning that rug that's been lying on your carpet in the middle of your living room since you don't now when. I did it the other day, and boy oh boy did I get a shock at how filthy the carpet underneath actually was. This was because when I removed the rug, it revealed a whiteness to my carpet that the visible portion had long since lost. It was dirty window syndrome all over, or equally dirty mind syndrome. And this really is our state of mind under 'the filthy' and that industrialized state which defiles and exploits Nature. Our minds like my living room carpet have slowly been subsumed under 'that which does not renew itself' and anti-Nature habits. We don't notice it though, since our awareness depends on self-renewal in order to perceive reality as it is. Instead, we think in our deluded states that the carpet is still white. But it's not. It's absolutely manky. And it should be thrown out and replaced.
I Am My Own Country
Fuck Ukraine with its joker president. Fuck Russia with its Nazi president. Fuck Britain with its clowns. I am my own country, the republican freehold of microman, a country with a population emphatically of one, and a gross domestic product of exactly zero. Yes, that's right - I am my own country, a country moreover, as its etymology suggests, from Latin contra meaning against, that is against the world, against the shitshow, against the circus, and against the rigmarol. A country whose flag is a cloud, and whose national anthem is the yaffle of the green woodpecker. I am my own country. Perhaps you should be too.
The World is Beneath You
Or at least it should be. You see, the world is wer + alt, from the High Germanic, meaning 'the age of man'. But there is no 'man', there is only the animal and its habitat. Thus, the world is a delusion and man the 'deluded animal'. How do I know this. Well, the hills tell me every time I go into them. They tell me that the word 'delude' itself which derives from Latin de (to one's detriment, down) + ludere (to play) is to play like an infant and invite distraction into your living. This is why man is mad, because, like the infant, he insists on playing when there is serious work, natural aboriginal work, to be done. And if you don't believe me, just look around at man and his tools (the toys): the smartphone (the dummy/security blanket), the dog (the action man/barbie doll), the car (the pram, go-kart), the headphones (the rattle, cot mobile). But you can only realize this up here in the hills, outwith their noise and spell. That the world really is beneath you.