The Number of the Beast

Gambling outlets are a disease of our monstrous economy. Indeed, you might say that it's the economy that is the real disease, manifested by its unease with Nature and natural ways of working. Man's westernized economy has been specifically engineered to avoid the moral dilemma. Indeed, man's economy is immoral. Look at what it has done to the Earth, to its animals, to its peoples. The next pillar will elucidate upon this with a quote I took from Barbara Meyerhof's The Peyote Hunt which follows the indigenous Huichol of Mexico's Sierra Madre region. For them, as with all indigenous peoples, work is sacred, work is essential, and work is moral. If it isn't, it simply will not get done. With man, in  an effort to keep placating the monster he has made, he does away with such things as 'morals' for they limit the revenue of an immoral economy. Immoral insofar as you prey upon the weak and the wounded, just so you can buy more crass shit you do not need and call yourself rich. But the real wealth is health. And as the Huichol know all too well, health is wholeness and morality. Health is convivial not scientific, and as long as our economy kowtows to the latter, it will also kowtow to immorality. To which I say, 'Fuck off'.

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