The Sun Bag

Everyone has a sun bag. It's in there - that bodymind - somewhere, and during a Scottish winter when it gets awfy dreich and dreary it can be a very empty place. Hence, the importance of filling your sun bag up at every available opportunity. Sun-chasing is an art form in a Scottish winter just as avoiding the rain is in a Scottish summer. And when you're out in your own body, and not a dozy passenger in some hermetically sealed gas chamber, art is everywhere, thus your chance of bagging it is pretty good. Conversely, when you are in a car, or any transport that deports you from your own heart, there is no art anywhere (if there's no heart there's no art), only inertia that enfeebles, clouds, and destructures the body-mind-earth system. So, get out on your bike, chase the light, fill your sun bag, and harvest those beams later.

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