Fashion & Disease

All fashion and fashioning is a decoration of a corpse. The corpse being your false indetity and that which has been made up by identifying with the unnatural, the industrial, and the filthy (that which cannot renew itself). To fashion is to make and manipulate. It is the cause of all man's problems and the reason why animals are not diseased, because they do not fashion their selves into that which they are not. Then, on top of this metaphysical quandry, we have the waste that the fashion industry imposes upon the planet, because man does not know Nature anymore. Godliness is next to cleanliness, and this cleanliness means not buying into shit that does not renew you. Fashion is a false renewal insofar as it 'renews the surface' (or shell) of the creature but does not renew the interior. This is why so many are duped into it: because on the surface it does renew! But surfaces are deadly, just as surfaces depend on the renewal of the insides in order to truly grow.


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