Selective Deafness

I find it extraordinary that people can seal their major sense up and not think that they're doing anything wrong. The ears more than the eyes are your primary sense organ. It's the ears that hone in first to whatever's going on and then tell the eyes where to look. As far as this is concerned, to seal those ears up behind a medley of 'music' is tantamount to a sort of suicide. In the wild, to be deaf is to be dead. Yet, we have become so docile because we have been so domesticated (or is that 'dominated') by comfort, ease, and convenience, that people rarely think about it. And of course, when you criticize them for being childish (which is what human society is now) they look at you as if you have two heads. I sympathize with people who tell me there is nothing worth listening to in a city where cars have more priority than people. But there is, even if it is only your heart beating or the blood pulsing through your veins. There is always something to hear even in the most industrialized landscape. Indeed, since the industrialized landscape produces industrialized beings, you need to know where these beings are, since they may indeed be preying upon you. To seal yourself up behind music when you're out and about, music that you can listen to in the comfort of your own home, is simply stupid when it isn't downright obstinate. Beethoven would be appalled at this type of selective deafness.

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