Climbing the Walls with Style

We Glaswegians are fortunate insofar as we live in a strath. That means that there are hills afoot and if like me you live more or less in the centre of this strath it also means that the only way out is up. You could imagine the city then in its wastefulness and general carbon footprint (more car-track than footprint) as a prison whose walls have to be scaled in order to escape. This is your escape: the land-scape and the hills. When you climb them every day, whether at a snail's pace or a raven's, you escape not just the prison of a denatured and polluted environment but the prison of a concocted and fabricated self. This is how you climb the walls with style, with ab-originality, and an originality that doesn't just strengthen your abs but your connection to the source. So when many are 'climbing the walls' indoors and lamenting the lockdown and the psycho-physical-spiritual degradation of being cooped up inside, the real geniuses are climbing the walls 'with style' outdoors in the blessed space of Nature, whilst exerting their divine right to breathe and engage your own locomotive body.



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