The Hard to Kill Hill: Turning 'Heart' into 'Earth'

This is the hill of hills: the sloping field that is just steep and long enough to get that heart pumping so much and so strongly that the 'h' of your heart will spontaneously take off and land causing your once tiny heart to become the size of the 'eart-h'. This is what happens when you start behaving naturally and aboriginally - you reconnect with the source and start earthing if not universing.Your heart becomes strong and so too does your mind. You begin reconnecting to the whole and thus the healthy and holy, the sane and saintly. When this happens you slowly emerge from the cocoon that your small ego-self has been fabricated into and become not a standalone 'thing' that is named, decorated and applied (to a profoundly sick society) but a universal system that realizes the infinite breadth of his relations.













One begins to identify not with homo sapiens and your own demented kind that has clearly lost its way but with the Way itself, that all Beings follow. You begin to share fundamentally what you and all beings have in common: (loco)motion self-propulsion.You begin to see a cosmic solidarity emerge that includes and involves you, and which empowers you.

This power comes through the heart, but only through the heart that still beats like a heart. This means getting back into the Earth and into the real 'gym' (of 'nakedness' and the elements). Though your heart may pump on a treadmill in a fitness centre whilst staring into a mirror and listening to the latest dross on the narcissistic echo-chamber, the heart misses out on its true nakedness by being sidelined by the ego and vanity. This means that the fitness centre makes you fit, whilst Nature makes you healthy (and thus whole as a universal entity and not some uber-fit clown with big muscles). This is the reason I think that this scene of Seagal running up a hill (and then perching at the top like an eagle) has stayed with me for thirty years. And why I have not entered a gym for about ten. Because Nature renders powerful like an eagle (able to see everything) whilst the gym and fitness centre renders you docile like a hamster (able only to see your own small, made-up, and broken self).


Seagal-like on Contemplation Rock... ;)

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