
Exiting the train at Kilpatrick this morning I am confronted with another young man staring into his hand whilst trying to move forwards. I immediately think that it is his heart (as in a pacemaker) that he is carrying, like a drip-feed that he cannot let go of for fear that he might die. I shake my head once more at how a whole generation of youngsters (the only people who can get us out of this  mess) have been kidnapped and stupefied (and thus rendered stupid and incapable) by imposter tech. and their existentially vacuous purveyors.

I wonder again at the fascination people (young and old) have with this terrible little handheld device, and how mesmerized and arrested they are by it. I question the efficacy of the pacemaker as I walk into the hills. What does this little 'pacemaker' actually do? Well, the pacemaker keeps you apace and up to date through (unnatural) technology and media, just as your heart in the natural realm keeps you apace and up to date with natural technology (body) and media (Nature: the land, the elements etc.). As I walk up these hills, I become aware that my 'smartphone' is my beating heart which is interpreting the landscape through which it is navigating. My 'fingering of the screen' is none other than a 'legging through the land'. I can see it as clear as day as I scale these braes: my 'internet' and the great web of life (most of it nonhuman) that I tune into and attune to, but which never ever distracts (from the essential).

I guess then you could say that I'm like everyone else, which, on a superficial level, would be true. Except my technology and my inter-net involves a lot more nonhuman than human and does not rape Nature, Being, and the Earth, in order to work.











The soul the Arabs say can only go as fast as the pace of a trotting camel (or perhaps even a very dirty mountain bike).

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