
Upon jumping the 'bullet to the moor' (the Helensburgh Express train) this morning to Dalmuir I made a grand discovery as I sat and sipped coffee from my flask whilst gazing out the window. I realised that this train (as with all trains that I take) is not a form of transport at all (since all wild animals and shamanic cyclists eschew transportation) but a teleportation device. This is what a tele-port is: a device that transfers you across a distance 'instantaneously'. And if  you think about it, this is exactly what happens here. In the case of Partick to Dalmuir this morning, it was a distance of some seven miles covered in ten minutes. Yet this 'ten minutes' is 'dissolved' through the act of mimesis, that is, of my mimicking the exact same motions that I would go through had I stayed at home (namely, sitting down, gazing at the 'passing landscape' on my computer and through my kitchen window, writing, and sipping coffee). Thus, through the mimetic act of 'being in my kitchen' the ten minute journey time is evaporated so to speak. When that happens, there is no duration anymore; nothing endures since everything is 'in the moment' and 'ecstatically present'. I enter the 'train' at the same time as I exit it. It is like this then that I can call the trains I take teleportation devices. It is also like this, that despite living in the centre of the city, I am practically living in the hills. 


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